Keep in Touch

A space for wish-making.

One thousand origami cranes made by hand, suspended with cotton thread from nylon netting. Mural is acrylic paint and gold leaf.

Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Ireland - solo master’s thesis exhibition 2016

The mural of the shapeshifter contains gold leaf radiating from the heart center, influenced by a myth that has multiple variations across cultures: the Theft of Fire.

The Greek Titan Prometheus stole fire from the gods (only to be punished by having his liver devoured by an eagle for the rest of eternity), the Polynesian shapeshifter Māui risked his life for the secret knowledge of obtaining fire, and the Haida people tell of Raven who reclaimed the sun, moon, and stars, returning them to the universe.

Japanese folklore promises anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes to be granted a wish. In the exhibition space, viewers were invited to make a wish of their own. ‘Keep in Touch’ explores the idea of wish-making as inner flame, inspired by the ancient human search for illumination and enlightenment.